Facebook Taking Over Snapchat?


Snapchat has been undergoing some changes lately. The company went public a few weeks ago, and Facebook has been doing everything in its power to slowly kill Snapchat off.

Facebook added the “stories” features wherever it could – WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. The next big thing for Facebook to do is to tie the publishing experience into one. All the user has to do is create one story, and publish in many.

Adding stories to Instagram has been a huge blow to Snapchat. Instagram is already much more popular than Snapchat, and their stories features are picking up really fast.

I remember when Instagram Stories first came out, my friends and I were like, “What is this…”. Now, however, I post pictures to my Instagram Story and I have just as many views on it as my Snapchat stories do. For me at least, Instagram stories are really nice for posting artistic pictures of my everyday life, and Snapchat is good for goofy pictures – and lately, I have been placing a lot more importance on sacrificing good “in the moment” time from my life experiences for Instagram than Snapchat.

Only a third of Snapchat users actually use Snapchat’s Story feature, so Facebook has a ton of potential to take over the entire “stories market”. I think that Facebook will be really successful in their fight with Snapchat. Let’s see what happens!

6 thoughts on “Facebook Taking Over Snapchat?

  1. pilarvalenzuelasite says:

    Great post! Facebook tried to buy Snapchat at one point and they turned down the offer, so I think this is Facebook’s way of “getting back” at Snapchat. I also think that slowly but surely, Snapchat will be phased out and will be replaced by everything else.


  2. Wasem Addus says:

    I was honestly thinking the same thing. Facebook is not trying to loose any of the market at all even if that meant doing what Snap is doing. Legally I dont know how this would affect Facebook after the launch of their stories feature, and once they sync up their stories with all their apps, then Snap would be serious trouble. Great post!


  3. Hannah McCollum says:

    It’s interesting to see where Facebook and Instagram will encroach next in terms of Snapchat’s current offerings. I predict that they will all be battling for the best interface for Snapchat’s current features. Since Snapchat is popular mostly with younger people, it will be interesting to see if they stay loyal or switch to other platforms in time.


  4. followme171 says:

    I agree with everything you said. I personally don’t understand why Facebook even started their own “stories” feature, but I am sure that it will become the next big thing over the next couple of weeks. I wonder if Facebook will actually “kill off” Snapchat!


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